
Location: Red Deer River at Dorothy
Bridge Type: Three Trough Truss Span constructed on timber and concrete substructures
Project Description: Bridge Rehabilitation, Stripdeck and Subdeck Replacement & Other Work
Project Scope
- Removal of existing stripdeck planks
- Supply & installation of new CCA treated stripdeck
- Supply & installation of new treated subdeck
- Replacement of selected treated timber caps, corbles, and vertical blocks
- Replacement of treated timber wheelguards
- Repair select steel truss members
- Partial depth concrete repairs at piers
-Misc. repairs


Location: Grande Prairie
Bridge Type: 8.53 – 12.0 – 8.5 m SC Girder Bridge on steel substructure
Project Description: Bridge Widening and Other Work
Project Scope
- Supply and drive steel H-piling
- Abutment, pier and wingwall modifications
- Supply, delivery, and erection of girders
- Construction of approach slab
- Supply and installation of bridge deck waterproofing membrane
- Supply and install guardrail
- Heavy rock riprap (class 1)
- Roadway and Bridge Deck Paving
- Supply and install erosion control barrier (silt fence)


Location: Driedmeat Creek, Camrose County
Bridge Type: 3-6.1 m PG on TT, Square to Road
Project Description: Replace Timbercaps, Pier Construction, Piling, Backwall and Wingwall Repairs
Project Scope
- Approach rail repairs
- Replace timber caps
- Setup, supply and drive new H-piles
- Pier construction
- Treat and band piles
- Wingwall repairs
- Backwall repairs
- Install struts and strut retainers
- Heavy rock riprap (Class 1)
- Miscellaneous repairs


Location: Nanton/Mosquito Creek Bridge
Bridge Type: 3 Span Standard Bridge
Project Description: Concrete Overlay Bridge Deck Reinforced with Rebar
Project Scope
- Remove loose concrete along girder edges
- Sandblast bridge deck
- Forming
- Seal girder edge gaps
- Supply & place 15m reinforcing rebar
- Supply & place Class D Concrete Overlay
-3 day wet cure


Location: Unnamed Watercourse N.of Fort MacKay
Culvert Type: 2120mm DIA SPCSP x 73.00m
Project Description: Culvert Liner Installation and Other Work
Project Scope
- Silt and Water Removal
- Excavation
- Removal and Disposal of Upstream Bevel End
- Supply and Installation of a CSP Liner
- Concrete End Treatment
- Backfill
- Supply and Install Class 1 Heavy Rock Riprap
- Seeding
-Erosion Control Barrier (Silt Fence)

Location: Washout Creek
Culvert Type: SPE (1-4515mm x 4095mm 47.5m)
Project Description: Remove & Replace Culvert
Project Scope
- Remove and dispose of existing culvert
- SPCSP – Supply & Assembly
- Backfill Upstream
- Concrete end treatment
- Heavy Rock Riprap (Class 1)
- Erosion Control Barrier
- Fish Capture and release

Location: Five Mile Creek W. of Fort Macleod
Project Description: New Pier Piles and CAP, New ‘HC’ Type Girders
Project Scope
-Removal and Reinstallation of existing precast concrete girders
-Construction of New Pier; Steel Piling, Steel Nose Plate, Steel Cap and Neoprene Bearings
-Heavy Rock Riprap (Class 1

Location: Rosebud River
Bridge Type: Clear Span Pony Truss 30.4m
Project Description: Stringer Connection Removal, Replace with Steel Stringers, Remove and Replace: Wheelguards, Stripdeck, Subdeck
Project Scope
- Removal Existing Stringer Connections
- Remove and reinstall Wheelguards
- Remove and reinstall Stripdeck
- Remove and reinstall Subdeck
- Install Steel Stringers
- Supply & Install Tie-Bolts and J-Bolts
- Supply & Install Load posting signage

Location: RR 35
Bridge Type: 24.4m PT-6.1 TT
Project Description: Wear Surface, Steel Replacement And Miscellaneous Repairs
Project Scope
- Core substructure to assess rotten timbers
- Replace hazard marker and post
- Install post bolt
- Install Approach Rail all 4 Corners
- Patch CCA treated wear surface w/salvaged materials
- Install splice bolts
- Remove brush
- Replace U3L2S angle wall
- Replace Pier sheeting (50’)
- Replace Pier nose plate
- Replace select stringers
- Install shim plate
- Replace subdeck planks where required
- Replace TT wheelguard & damaged/missing blocks
- Supply and install 12M H-Piles
- Supply and install new steel short caps
- Supply and install new 24’ TT pile caps

Location: Kneehills Creek
Bridge Type: 3 Span FC Girders
Project Description: Create Slope Drain and Grout Approachs
Project Scope
- Grout approach slabs
- Remove debris & Misc.
- Repair drain trough
- Regrade headslope
- Partial depth repairs
- Epoxy curb tops
- Hot pour seal ACP cracks at deck joints, wing to approach cracks

Location: County of Two Hills
Bridge Type: 3 Span – TT (8.5–8.5–8.5) on TT Substructure
Project Description: New Piers, Subdeck, Stripdeck and Salvage Wheel Guard
Project Scope
- Bridge Superstructure Removal (Inc. wheel guard & bridge rail)
- Supply and drive new HP310 X 94 X 15m piling
- Remove and dispose of the existing timber piers
- Supply and install steel pier caps
- Re-install salvaged timber stringers
- Supply and Install two treated stringers
- Supply and install HSS pier bracing and nose plates
- Re-install existing and supply/ install struts
- Supply and place / compact pit run at Abutment
- Supply and Place Class 1 Rip Rap at Abutments
- Supply and install new treated subdeck
- Supply and install new CCA treated wear surface
- Re-installation of bridge rail
- Re-installation of wheel guard
- Bridge rail and approach rail repairs (posts, w-beam, bolts)